Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Dear 3/4N,

Welcome to your class blog.

This is an online space for you to share all of the activities you get up to during the week. You can even show your family and friends anytime you are online.

Everyone will be spending this term learning to how to write blog posts. This is called blog training. Then, once you are confident, you will be able to write your own blog posts for our class.

What could we write about our games that we have made?

At the end of term 1, we had a game day. We worked in groups to make our games. There were lots of different games made out of different materials such as paper, cardboard, sticky tape, bottle lids, wool and boxes. We used markers to decorate them and had to present our games to the class. We had to include measurement in our game. This week, in Term 2 we are making different games and we plan to add more detail and have a gaming day soon.

Written by 3-4N as a whole class. Ms Curtis helped us.


  1. Great job 3/4N you all should be proud of all you hard word 😀

  2. Well done 3/4N! What a really great idea. I hope you are all very proud of yourself 😊

  3. Well done 3/4N! What a great idea. I hope you are all very proud of yourself

  4. What a fantastic job you guys are doing!
    Be proud of yourself 3/4N.

  5. Well done 3/4N you all should be super proud of all your hard work 😉
