Thursday, September 27, 2018

Games about TIME

Yesterday we played our time games with 3T. We had time cards and 3T had to answer them. Someone from each group had to stay at the game board. We had to use counters and dice. You pick your own colour counter to know what counter you are.We had a whole lot of fun.

Written by Will L and Lucas P

Tuesday, September 25, 2018


3/4N have been making surrealist artworks. We got some paper from Ms Curtis and cut them out. 
We had fun cutting them out then we had to glue them on a piece of paper. We could cut anything like cutting the head off or something else.We were making cool stuff. Like attaching different pieces to body parts or colouring a crack on the mouse head like Ms Curtis suggested.

                                 Written by Isaac and Bailey

Monday, September 17, 2018

Shadow Art

On Monday we did shadow art with army men, we were using the sun to get the army men's shadows to copy them down. We also used blocks and lots of things like cars, fences and white rubbers, white art paper whiteboard markers, textas and felt tip pens. We could make as many army men shadow arts as we wanted. Even a whole army on the white paper. Some of us did more than one army man shadows. We tried our best to make them look good and realistic shadow figures.
written by Ryder and Jai

Sunday, September 2, 2018

Gardiniah went to Regionals

I got selected to go to regional on Friday,I ran against the
whole of Newcastle, only three students from our school
got selected & I was one of them. Also we all had to go to
Glendale.I ran as fast as I could.

My events were 100m & 200m, I came 2nd in 200m 3rd in
100m 4th in 100m final.

I had fun also I wasn’t expecting myself to go that far in my running experience.

I feel like I was made for running.

Written by Gardiniah