Monday, August 27, 2018

Ozobot Track making

Yesterday 2Z came over and they had made Ozobot tracks. Then once they left we made our own Ozobot tracks. We used cardboard boxes and cut them out into lots of straight strips. Then stuck them together. 3 people finished  but everyone 
else is still creating their Ozobot tracks. Some people have made tunnels.
Written by Teila and Lucas 

Thursday, August 23, 2018

Peer Reading

We were invited to KH and we had to read to the little kids in Kindergarten. They also had to read to us. Some of us swapped partners and the kids read 1 or 2 books to us. They gave us a book to read and we sat elbow to elbow, knee to knee,with the book in the middle so we could both see. Some of us read to a partner outside on the silver seats.                                                                                                     Written  by Saige and Declan

Thursday, August 16, 2018

Book Parade

On Monday we could dress up as characters from books and movies such as a unicorn, batgirl and many more. Most of the school dressed up as Harley Quin, but some people dressed up as nothing and just wore casual clothes.

Written by Amelia

Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Coke and Mentos Experiment

This week 3/4N did an experiment with mint mentos and diet coke.When the mentos was placed in the diet coke it suddenly erupted like a volcano, but didn't explode. This happened because carbon dioxide forms into tiny bubbles come out of microscopic holes in the mentos. It doesn't work with coloured mentos because it has a waxy coat on it.
Written by Gardiniah and William P